[EN] Support
If you have a question or need help with an issue that should not be openly discussed in the Forum, feel free to contact our team of experts through our Support Ticket Portal.
Opening Tickets
Directly through the Dadosfera Interface
Click on the chat icon located at the bottom right corner to start the conversation:
For the support contact icon to appear for you in the Dadosfera interface, your user must be assigned to the Group: Contact Support.
Through the Portal
Go to the Portal and click on 'Submit a request'.
Accessing the Portal
If you do not yet have a login in Dadosfera's HubSpot, you will need to create your user. To do this, just go to the login screen of the Portal and click on 'Register here'.
We recommend using the same email as your Dadosfera user.
Accessing the History of Open Tickets
Directly through the Dadosfera Interface
By clicking on the arrow <, you will find the list of all chats initiated by you.
Through the Portal
On the main screen of the Portal, access the list of all tickets created by you and also by your organization:
If the response to your call is not immediate, we will contact you by email. To maintain excellence in serving our users, when closing your ticket, a brief satisfaction survey about the service provided will be sent.
Updated about 1 year ago